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Envirosafe strives to be an invested member of the community.
We have earned our positive reputation over the years through the sponsorship of sports teams.
Envirosafe's involvement in the community includes the sponsorship of the following, but not limited to:
Ajax Knights Mite (2007-2008)
Ajax Knights Tyke Red Select (2008-2009)
Ajax Knights Novice AA (2009-2010)
Ajax Knights Minor Atom AA (2010-2011)
Ajax Knights Atom AA (2011-2012)
Ajax Knights Minor Peewee AA (2012-2013)
Markham Waxers Novice A (2007-2008)
Markham Waxers Novice AE Select (2007-2008)
Markham Waxers Minor Atom A (2008-2009)
Markham Waxers Atom A (2009-2010)
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